mercury games

Twins in the Machine: Climax Ward

Download: LATEST - v1.0.0

sha1: FDAC38414C78EE22460E9C03E8A77F2A6476BE5C

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Links: DLSite F95 ULMF

Game Version: Ver1.1

Status: In-Progress (Alpha)

UI: 100% (Ren'Py english UI; Added H-scene replay/unlock)

Translation: 100%

QA: 100%


In this game the main character, Hotaru Kiyokawa, is diagnosed with a mysterious disease known as "Climax Additiction". She is sent to the "Climax Ward", the only facility handling such patients. She is subjected to all manner of "treatments" and "experiments, discovers a dark secret, and eventually "donates" her body to science.

The circle TOUCHABLE does some great stuff. They have several works in this fairly narrow niche, and I would love to see those translated at some point. The first fter this is in a reasonable state would probably be the sequel to this. There are a few circles that have made similar works and I have been looking into translating those as well, but most of them are much more complex and will take longer than I am willing to commit to at the moment.

I have been figuring out a translation workflow for KiriKiri and ONScripter games, and this game is serves as a very simple test project to see how well it works. I did a little initial work trying to translate games such in-place and repack them so I could just distribute a patch archive (xp3/nsa/ns2/etc), but have come to the conclusion that dealing with engines which were not well designed to target english is not worth the effort.

My current workflow actually rewrites the input game script(s) to Ren'Py, which has good support for translation, and allows a lot more versatility such as being able to switch languages in real-time. If someone is interested in translating the game to languages other than english this would also be fairly easy to do in that case. I honestly hope some circles start looking at Ren'Py, although given how long they continue to use old versions of RPGM and NScripter I won't be getting my hopes up too much.